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Wax Stag
"Short Road Remixes"

With a full album due at some point in the not too distant future, we've had some rather nice remixes of Wax Stag.

With a full album due at some point in the not too distant future, we've had some rather nice remixes of Wax Stag's 'Short Road' EP done in the meantime.
Lithuanian body building champions Metal On Metal, fresh from their victorious assault on Bloc Party's "Flux", take bits of the title tracks' lead lines and create a roid driven bundle of indie-disco drama full of noisy riffs, vertiginous drops and driving basslines. Wax Stag himself turns in a coolly paced electronic houser, with hints of 80's boogie, lots of atmosphere and a fat, warm bassline holding the groove down.
Bibio's take on 'Folk Rock' is a mix of 4 parts : the folky intro part, the swinging easy listening part, the psyche rock bit, and the low slung hip hop outro. If all that sounds a bit disjointed, for some reason it isn't, it's great.

All tracks written and produced by Rob Lee.
Additional remix on A1 by Metal On Metal, B1 Wax Stag, B2 Bibio.
Published by Copyright Control.
(P) 2008 People In the Sky
(C) 2008 People In the Sky

1. Short Road [Metal On Metal Remix] Buy Track ( 0.73)
2. Short Road [Wax Stag Remix] Buy Track ( 0.73)
3. Folk Rock [Bibio Remix] Buy Track ( 0.73)
Buy All Tracks ( 2.03)